Welcome to Greater Greensboro Society of Medicine Alliance

Registration is open for the Physician Suicide Awareness event right here in Greensboro. This is a free event. Click here to RSVP. The following day is the annual meeting and Hubbard Memorial Lecture Luncheon. The speaker this year is Anne Krishnan's childhood librarian and author Jane Tesh. Anne will be introducing her. Click here to register for the annual meeting and/or the luncheon. Let's take advantage of these important events taking place right here in Greensboro!

Founded in 1928 as the Auxiliary to the Guilford Medical Society, the GGSMA today has over 100 members. The Alliance is widely recognized for its long tradition of promoting community health in the Greater Greensboro area through its active involvement in issues of health education and promotion. Commitment to the changing health needs of our community and the strengthening of Greensboro’s medical family remain the focus of our organization, nearly nine decades after our founding.
All spouses of physicians practicing in Guilford County are eligible to join the GGSMA. They may also join the North Carolina Medical Society Alliance (NCMSA) and the American Medical Society Alliance (AMAA).